The RFID Tag Disc is printable and customizable PVC and can be applied via adhesive sticker to any type of dry surface. Particularly suitable for identifying products and components in production and logistics environments. It also allows the protection of the brand and the limitation of counterfeiting in branded products and original spare parts. ATA5577 RFID chip read and write LF 125 KHz ISO 11784 ISO 11785 memory 363 bit original Atmel.
APPLICATIONS - Upgrading of badges to RFID technology - Item identification - Machine identification - Factory automation - Anti-falsification of products - Safety systems - RFID stickers
The ATA5577 is a contactless read/write identification IC (IDIC®) for applications in
the 125-kHz or 134-kHz frequency band. A single coil connected to the chip serves as
the IC’s power supply and bi-directional communication interface. The antenna and
chip together form a transponder or tag.
The on-chip 363-bit EEPROM (11 blocks with 33 bits each) can be read and written
block-wise from a base station (reader)